Why Should Everyone Wear a Mask to Protect Each Other
Wearing a Disposable Face Mask that covers your mouth and nose, washing your hands and keeping your body at a distance will help reduce the spread of covid-19 in our community and save lives. Everyone at Duke Health has promised to wear masks to keep people near us safe. All Duke medical institutions require it. However, it’s just as important to wear a mask when you leave home. “When all of us wear masks, we protect each other,” said Cameron Wolfe, M.D., an infectious disease expert at Duke Health. Wearing masks is not only to protect our own safety, but also to protect everyone’s safety – at work, in the community, at home. Wearing a mask gives a visual signal that you understand the importance of keeping your body at a distance and following healthy behavior.
Disposable Face Mask can slow the spread of the virus
“Coronavirus is transmitted through droplets in the air or through superficial respiratory tract,” Wolff said Wearing a mask helps to prevent the virus from entering the air and from being inhaled by others. “People who are infected may not have any symptoms or mild symptoms, and they may be mistaken for a cold or an allergy,” wolf said. If they sneeze, cough, clear their throat, or even talk, they can pass the virus on to others. The mask traps the virus droplets in the fibers. Combined with physical distance and frequent hand washing, masks help prevent people from spreading the virus unconsciously.
When do you wear a Civilian Face Mask
Develop the habit of wearing a mask every time you go out, especially when you are in contact with others. You never know when you’ll stop to talk to a neighbor or delivery man, or pass a jogger. While you may think it’s easy to keep six feet apart, it’s not always possible.
The best mask is one you can wear correctly.
It should be comfortable and cover the nose and chin without slipping. It doesn’t matter whether it’s tied to the back of the head or the elastic around the ear, as long as it stays in place. Masks that require constant adjustment can be unsafe. If you keep touching your face to prevent the mask from slipping, and your hands are contaminated, you may inadvertently expose yourself to the virus. Wearing a mask can consciously remind you not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. ”Double layer cotton can absorb almost all respiratory droplets,” wolf said. It’s not practical and necessary to wear a thick and heavy mask in summer. Disposable masks are also an option, but should be discarded after use. Unless you’re a front-line healthcare worker, you don’t need an N95 mask – a filter mask.
Daily Cleansing KN95 Protective Mask
Clean and dry cloth masks after each use. Since the virus can’t live on cloth for more than a week, another option is to make or buy seven masks – one every day of the week. Wash hands before removing masks. Remove the mask with a band or elastic; wash hands. This helps prevent contamination from spreading from your hands or masks to your face.
Together, we can change the world
“Wearing masks is a way to support the rest of our community,” Wolfe said “Put on your mask and set an example. You want to be someone who respects the people around you.“ Together, we can play a role in limiting the spread of covid-19.
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